To make things simple, we’re going to cut through the noise and zero in on just one of the many major flaws in the so-called scientific story: the origin of life.
A natural path for the leap from inanimate to animate, from rock to robot, is absolutely necessary for the argument against the supernatural to pervail. Yet, how life emerged is a mystery that science has not cracked. Not even close.
Currently, the explanation goes something like this - "It just happened. Trust us." The evidence? "Well, we're here, aren't we?" But how? “We’re working on it. Stay tuned.” Oh, how scientific…
This isn't just about the lack of evidence—no eyewitnesses, no recordings of this magical moment.
This isn’t even about the fact that they’ve tried it in lab settins and have failed to produce anything even slightly resembling life.
The real kicker is that we, in fact, constantly witness overwhelming empirical evidence that contradicts this absurd assertion. All over our planet living cells comes from other living cells. Trillions of times every second of every day - life begets life, but non-life never once begets life. This is a scientific truth as consistent and undeniable as gravity. Despite this, we're expected to swallow the tale that, billions of years ago, the rules were bent for a one-off spectacle.
In fact, it's an outrage, a circus of the absurd masquerading as enlightenment. Defying the principles of real science and calling it progress is not just wrong; it’s a crime against knowledge itself.
So, here's our throwdown to the peddlers of this fairy tale: Prove life can spring from non-life and bag alot of money.
That’s right. If you’re a scientist that has a scientifically validated answer to this critical problem, don’t hide it any more. This is your chance for fame, riches and to advance mankind to the next level.
Until then, we stand firm in questioning theories that are more fantasy than fact, more speculation than solid science. Our challenge will stand as a rock-solid, ever-growing testimony to an ironic twist: in their quest to sideline the Divine, they've concocted a belief system that requires even greater faith in the unproven and the improbable.